The ‘Female-Friendly’ Peeling Tester 

portable professional peeling tester pipe coating

User-Oriented design   Is it still acceptable to say ‘female-friendly’ these days? Sometimes, real-world demands guide innovation…… This is certainly the case with Selmers’ peeling tester. It’s a fact that many strong women around the world are capable of handling heavy tasks just as well as men! However, the small history behind one piece of […]

Cutting Costs and Carbon

Sustainable sensor stand Selmers

 The Selmers Promise To make an impact, you don’t always have to go big. Not all choices can feel as significant as choosing between biking or driving to work. Besides, not everyone has a choice… But ultimately, every decision we make has a ripple effect on the world around us. Especially when it comes to […]

Spoolbase, Double & Multi Jointing Solutions

A spoolbase is a nearshore facility fit to perform welding of single or double joints of steel pipes, into lengths as requested for spooling onto a reel lay vessel.   The Full Scope: Inbound Line Up Station Fabrication Line Stalk Racks Tie-in Station Firing Line Spooling Optional: Selmers Plant Management System (incl Job Ready module) […]

Field Joint (FJ) Blaster

Spread all over the world, a lot of different types of Selmers pipe blasters work successfully; for external and internal pipe coating plants, field joint blasters suitable for S-lay & J-lay vessels, for spoolbases or cross-country usage. Selmers has designed for onshore pipeline construction or spoolbases, a standard program of field joint blasters in 3 […]

Field Joint (FJ) Blaster

Spread all over the world, a lot of different types of Selmers pipe blasters work successfully; for external and internal pipe coating plants, field joint blasters suitable for S-lay & J-lay vessels, for spoolbases or cross-country usage. Selmers has designed for onshore pipeline construction or spoolbases, a standard program of field joint blasters in 3 […]

Surface Cleanliness Tester (WA Clean)

The WA Clean is the first and only handheld patented technology that provides a fast and objective manner to measure and communicate the cleanliness degree of a blasted surface. It is an optical analysis device designed to characterize the visual aspect of a blasted surface in the L.a.b. color space. This device does not replace […]

Transportable Blast & Coat System

The transportable blast and coat system is designed for external blasting and coating of steel pipes. This process is normally done by high investment machines with a long changeover time when it comes to switching pipe diameters. Such machines are designed to process large batches of pipes. Selmers is able to offer a system having […]

Smart Mobile Warehouse (SMW)

To optimize production uptime, mapping maintenance needs is key. In order to conduct a good maintenance plan, it is essential that spare and wear parts are on stock. The Smart Mobile Warehouse ensures this at all times. The Selmers’ Smart Mobile Warehouse uses RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology and is situated at customer site. It […]

Portable Tower Coating Repair System

The Portable Tower Coating Repair System is a multi-purpose portable wind turbine maintenance device that can be outfitted with multiple attachments used to inspect, clean, blast, and coat towers for wind turbines. Advantages: Provides a low-cost alternative as compared to conventional repair methods Low mobilization and demobilization costs Quick assembly time Automated systems eliminate the […]

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