Smart Mobile Warehouse (SMW)

Smart Mobile Warehouse (SMW)

To optimize production uptime, mapping maintenance needs is key. In order to conduct a good maintenance plan, it is essential that spare and wear parts are on stock. The Smart Mobile Warehouse ensures this at all times. The Selmers’ Smart Mobile Warehouse uses RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology and is situated at customer site. It contains an agreed inventory of strategic parts and assemblies that are automatically kept on stock according to the stock threshold.


Adequate inventory

Less administrative actions

Improved uptime

Lower costs

Maintenance schedule


How it Works

Antennas continuously scan for tagged items in the warehouse. Received data will be translated by a reader into terms of stock alternations. When the quantity of items drops below the agreed threshold, they will be automatically ordered, tagged and collected for periodic shipments by Selmers. At the moment the tagged parts arrive at customer site and are put in the warehouse, the actual stock will be updated automatically.


The Full Scope:

Strategic parts

Container with RFID solution and software

Erection and commissioning

Training Automated Mobile Warehouse


Onsite maintenance supervision

Highly compatible with Selmers’ Preventive Maintenance Software

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