Surface Cleanliness Tester (WA Clean)

Surface Cleanliness Tester (WA Clean)

The WA Clean is the first and only handheld patented technology that provides a fast and objective manner to measure and communicate the cleanliness degree of a blasted surface. It is an optical analysis device designed to characterize the visual aspect of a blasted surface in the L.a.b. color space. This device does not replace the ISO 8501-1 standard but enables a better qualitative and quantitative control of the blasting process after a proper calibration according the norm mentioned above.


Objective value rather than subjective

Recurrent differences between test results can determine quality lose of blasting equipment

Productivity increase (no over-quality)

Reduction of reblasting due to immediate identification of process deviations


How it Works

Magnetic sole to fit with curved shapes. Integrated digital camera to visualize the measurement zone. Fast analysis (<2 sec.) and immediate reading of the test results. USB connection for data transfer.


The Full Scope:

WA Clean


USB cable

Protective casing

Internal memory to save up to 20 different references and more than 4000 analyses.

* other specifications upon request

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