The innovative road to safe and affordable maintenance

Breaking new ground strongly appeals to the explorer inside of us, which is probably why everybody loves innovation. To many companies, innovation is even a necessity to survive in competitive markets. For some reason, maintenance is often neglected or even forgotten in industrial environments when determining the overall ROI. We help companies to close these ‘gaps’ as cheaply and safely as possible. And that sometimes leads to even more beautiful innovation!

Automated windmill maintenance

Through our sister company LiftWerx we are involved in the maintenance of wind turbines and monopiles in the US and Canada. Many windmills are relatively new, but they do have a guaranteed lifespan of thirty years. In recent years, many windmills have been damaged more often and more severely than taken into account beforehand. For those repairs, and partly for re-blasting and coating of those piles, expensive heavy duty cranes are often used. An alternative is to secure mechanics with chains and have them carry out maintenance. For safety and cost reasons, some wind turbine operators called on us to automate this maintenance to a large extent.

Unmanned ‘UFO

Based on our extensive ‘horizontal’ experience and under the motto ‘If going to the moon is no longer rocket science, then a windmill shouldn’t be a problem at all’, we came up with an unmanned disk. It resembles a UFO that is attached around the pole and automatically adapts to the diameter of the monopile without causing any damage. With the help of cameras, the Portable Wind Tower Coating Repair System can be remotely controlled from the ground and perform inspections, cleaning, blasting, coating and the necessary patchwork from bottom to top highly automated.

Completely safe and much cheaper

The advantages are very obvious, because the system is not only completely safe but also much cheaper, because no expensive cranes and far fewer people are needed. With this kind of innovation solution, aforementioned operators can significantly reduce the maintenance impact on their ROI or even better include it in their ROI in advance. On top of that, the system is sustainable in the sense that blasting material is captured and recycled without any harm to the environment. Is your company looking for an innovative way to reduce maintenance costs and safety risks as much as possible? Just call your sales contact or send an email to

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