Education 4.0? 3.0? Just get ready for the Next Gen Worker!

Anyone who reads our blogs regularly knows that almost everything with us is about automating business processes. As long as robots using Artificial Intelligence, algorithms and Machine Learning haven’t taken over all of our work, and as far as we’re concerned that is never going to happen, people still need to learn. In education, innovation […]

Are you being servitized?

Buzzwords and trends, they are of all times. In many cases they are nothing more than old wine in new bottles. “Servitization” is a fine example. Many people consider it a global trend but for Selmers transforming a product-oriented business model into a service-oriented one has been common practice for years. We just keep going […]

VR simulation reduces actual commissioning costs dramatically

Computer simulation comes in all kinds of applications. Many virtual worlds are purely for fun, such as racing games or SimCity. And although several colleagues at Selmers are certainly not averse to this, this blog is primarily about business VR applications. Much like flight, ship and drive simulators, Selmers in turn uses Virtual Reality to […]

Traceability at the touch of a button

The term traceability is commonly associated with the food industry. That only makes sense since the health of consumers is at stake. For food producers, traceability also serves as an internal tool to prevent huge costs and reputational damage due to a recall. Obviously, these worries cause sleepless nights in other industries as well. To […]

The technology train has arrived. Don’t miss it.

Technology is evolving at a dizzying pace across most, if not all industries. While many Plant Managers are still somewhat cautious, others have already embraced some of these technologies after successfully mobilizing internal support for the associated investment. Although Rome wasn’t built in one day either, taking the first steps towards Industry 4.0 soon is […]

Taking safety in heavy industries to the next level

Unlike many modern household appliances, installing heavy-duty pipe blasting and coating equipment is not a matter of plug & play. Another striking difference is the degree of danger involved in operating them. Finding the delicate balance between production demands on one hand and safety requirements on the other can be very challenging. Selmers puts safety […]

Never stop asking ‘why’

‘Dad, why doesn’t anyone pass the ball to the man with the whistle?’ ‘Because he is the referee, son.’ ‘Mom, why do you never switch channels on TV?’ ‘Because I can also watch Netflix, dear.’ Just some ordinary questions children would ask their parents out of curiosity. Once we grow up, however, many of us have a hard […]

Losing control of your processes? Get a grip!

In controlling your processes, the use of KPIs and the subsequent reporting on them, are key. However, in the pipe blasting and coating business, the amount of data that can actually be used for analysis is generally limited. The same goes for functionalities of the average PLC. Hence, many production sites are suffering from control […]

How to leverage downtime to meet production targets

Meeting production targets can become a serious challenge in the event of downtime or other situations that cause production to drop temporarily, including a corona crisis. Yet, even a maintenance shutdown, that ‘only’ leaves production staff sidelined, may serve as an opportunity to bounce back stronger and more agile. Being a good employer, offering training […]

How to achieve operational excellence

During the last few decades, the number of production sites that rely on reactive maintenance, including in heavy industries has declined significantly. Clearly, both Plant and Operations Managers are increasingly aware of the importance of preventive maintenance in optimizing uptime. At Selmers we have a range of effective measures available to help you achieve operational […]

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