Not sugar coating it; the best plant managers’ recipe

Selmers fully automated blasting conveyor for pipes with adjustable setting.

Not sugar coating it; the best plant managers’ recipe   Deviating from a standard recipe; who doesn’t? You like to tweak the dish to your particular preferences. You probably do the same with your operations’ handling equipment. But as with the perfect frosting, it is with the perfect pipe coating… Experience, good ingredients and balance […]

Solving a bouncing problem with determination and grit

abrasive acceleration belt for internal blasting of pipes and tubes.

Solving a bouncing problem with determination and grit   New paint requires a clean surface. The bigger the surface, the better the adhesion of the applied coating. For this purpose, blasting abrasion of pipes is done with grit. The grit is applied with force, and therefore naturally produces some excess grit. One of our clients […]

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